
Those of you that have visited UpCountry’s Asheville location over the past few months may have noticed some subtle changes. And possibly some that are not so subtle. So what gives?

The UpCountry West Asheville brewery is for sale. Many people have asked me why? That’s a more personal question and it ties in to the concept of Quality vs. Quantity. Not just beer quality, but also quality of life for myself.

Not many people realize that I live two hours from Asheville. Every time I’m at the West Asheville location it represents a 4 hour round trip drive. And typically an overnight stay as well. That’s time that I could have, and should have, spent with my family. (Including my new granddaughter Saylor Raye!! Whom I plan on teaching to call me “Papa John”.)

UpCountry has grown to the point of having 9 distributors covering 3 states. And while that sounds impressive, what it really means for me are days spent away from home. Days figuring out contract brew arrangements, delivering beer, visiting markets, leading distributor meetings, making retail sales calls, and working late night events. Recently, I realized my heart just was not in that retail side of the business anymore. I got into the craft beer industry all the way back in 1995 because I loved beer, I loved making beer, and I loved talking to people who drank that beer. So I’ve made the conscious decision to slow down a bit and try to get back to what started this adventure in the first place. (Yep, I’m an old man in the beer world; see the picture below for proof.)

So never fear, UpCountry is not going away! We are downsizing, streamlining and simplifying. The plan is to sell the Asheville production brewery, stop all outside distribution, and focus on brewing at our Brevard, NC location. UpCountry will now become a small, taproom-only brewery. I’ve found an incredible partner to take over managing the Brevard taproom, which frees me up to actually brew once again. Brewing is the reason I got into this business 28 years ago and I’m over the moon to have the opportunity for my career to come full circle. Let’s hope I still got it. Wish me luck!

Cheers, John

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Cheers John! Good for you to “rightsize” as I call it….and continue to do what you love! Hope we can see you and Irina sometime soon! Laura and Gail

Laura Zipperer

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