2 lager beers on bar

New Beer Alert!

Two new beers just went on tap at UpCountry. As the saying goes, "It's lager time"! (Ok, maybe it's not really a saying; but we said it.)

Feeling Good As Helles - We did our hair toss, checked our nails. Baby how we feelin'? We feeling good as Helles!

Often called a beer for beer lovers, this German-Style Helles Golden Lager is back on tap once again. Designed for refreshment, this makes for the ideal beer when looking for something on the lighter side. "Helles" means pale in color, though this beer has a bit more flavor than the typical American light lager. 

4.8% ABV, 22IBU

Livin' La Vienna LocaIt will make you take your clothes off and go dancing in the rain; It will make you live its crazy life, but it will take away your pain!

The Vienna-Style Amber Lager is reddish brown in color and has a nice malt backbone with a slight hint of biscuit or toasty notes along with a crisp, dry finish. Surprising to many people is the fact that this amber German beer style was a huge influence on Mexican amber lagers such as the Dos Equis Amber, which UpCountry occasionally has on tap as well. 

5.2% ABV, 24 IBU

Come give these new beers a try and let us know what you think.

Cheers, John


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